Athlete of the Month Is Back

Celebrating success-Celebrating the journey.
This year, Athlete of the Month will feature athletes from the Hagerstown, Frederick, Baltimore and Washington DC areas.
This year, we have a change to the program. This year, we'll present two contenders, with our sports reporters voting on the winner each month.
The winning High School Student Athlete will be profiled in print on our website, and across the entire state of Maryland through commercials aired on the Maryland News Network. Plus, the winning Student Athlete will receive a $150 donation to his or her school's athletic program from Buffalo Wild Wings.
To be nominated, the student athlete must:
-Be enrolled in a Maryland public or private high school
-Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. We will confirm the nominee's GPA upon selection
-Actively participate in a MPSSAA sanctioned varsity sports program in a Maryland public or private school.
We'll start accepting nominations September 10. You can nominate a deserving Student Athlete HERE